In this article we will mainly be talking about Prim's algorithm and also a bit of Union Find.
There is two sorts of minimum spanning tree algorithm : Kruskal (Union-Find) and Prim (Greedy Algorithm). The two algorithm have the same complexity. Here is a two small illustrations so you could see the idea of the two algorithm.
Loads of people prefer Kruskal then Prim but I prefer Prim. Kruskal uses the Union Find algorithm. Union Find algorithm is a graph algorithm who uses a getcomp function to see if getcomp(a) == getcomp(b). If it does then a and b are in the same component. Else comp[getcomp(a)] = getcomp(b). Here is the function getcomp in C++:
int getcomp(vector& comp,int a){
int compa=comp[a];
while (compa != comp[compa]){
compa = comp[compa];
comp[a] = compa;
return compa;
C++ Code - Prim
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <queue>
#include <set>
using namespace std;
int main(){
int N,A,L,K1,K2,ret=0;
cin >> N >> A;
vector<vector<pair<int,int>>> adj(N+1);
for (int i=0; i<A; ++i){ cin >> K1 >> K2 >> L;
vector<int> vu(N+1);
set<pair<int,int>> s;
for (auto& i:adj[1]) s.emplace(i);
while (!s.empty()){
auto f=*s.begin();
if (vu[f.second]) continue;
ret += f.first;
for (auto& i:adj[f.second]){
if (!vu[i.second]) s.emplace(i);
cout << ret;
return 0;
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