Thursday, 21 February 2019

Flood Fill Algorithm

Flood fill can be performed in three basic ways : Depth First Search, Breath First Search and Breath First Scanning.

In the depth first formulation, the algorithm looks at each step through all of the neighbors of the current node and for those that have not been assigned to a component yet, assigns them to this component and recurces on them.

In breath first formulation, instead of recursing on new nodes, they are added to a queue.

In breath first scanning formulation, every node has two values : component and visited.

The depth first fomulation is the easiest to code and debug but it can require a large stack. The breath first fomulation is a bit better in memory as the queue is more efficient then the stack. The breath first scanning formulation is much better in memory however it is much slower : Time Complexity of N*N+M, where N is the number of vertices in the graph.

A Small Problem (taken from a book) to Warm Up :
Street Race
Given a directed graph, and a start point and an end point. Find all points p that any path from the start point to the end must travel through p. 
M <= 100 and N <= 50

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