Saturday, 2 March 2019

Programming Competitions and Training 1


International competitions


Most people who are less than 18 years old are aiming for the IOI. IOI is also called International Olympiad of Informatics. The IOI contest is taking place at a different country each year. Here is the IOI website :

Google Code Jam

Google Code Jam is a competition organised by Google each year. To participate the next round, you need to be qualified from the previous round. Participants are automatically qualified for Round A. By doing well in this contest, you can get contacted by Google. Top participants can get a T-shirt and top 25 participants can go to the on site final. Some of the finalist can get a prize. The Google Code Jam website :


Kickstart is another Google competition organised almost every month. By doing well in this contest, you can get contacted by Google. There are no finals and you don't need to be qualified to attend the next round. Here is the Kickstart website :

Hash Code

Hash Code is also a Google competition organised each year. The difference between other contests and this one is that : you need to have your own team ! Hash Code has got on site finals ... The Hash Code website :

Top Coder

Top Coder offers regular (almost every week) competitions and a on site final. Here is the Top Coder website :


The International Collegiate Programming Contest is an algorithmic programming contest for college students. Teams of three, representing their university, work to solve the most real-world problems, fostering collaboration, creativity, innovation, and the ability to perform under pressure. Through training and competition, teams challenge each other to raise the bar on the possible. Quite simply, it is one of the oldest, largest, and most prestigious programming contest in the world just like the IOI. Here is the ICPC website :


This is a France and Australien competition. This competition is held every year, and the team leaders from the two teams pick some people via the two training sites : France IOI and Orac. Here is the Fario site :

European competitions

If you are a bit younger, you can aim for the eJOI (Europe only) who is another competition much easier then the IOI. eJOI just like the IOI is taking place every year in a different country. eJOI is the initials for European Junior Olympiad of Informatics. Here is the 2018 eJOI website :



This is a french coding website. The thing is that you learn while you are playing. So, check it out :


You can sharpen your skills with Codewars ! The Codewars website :


Kattis is a great training website. Here is the link :


NOI is a chinese training website. The link to the website :

USACO Training

USACO also has a training gateway website to prepare for the USACO contests. Here is the USACO website :


Orac is a australien training website.
The link to the website :

Luo Gu

Luo Gu is another chinese training website. Here is the link :


Leetcode is not a competitive programming website (more a interview website) but it has a lot of exercises. It also organises weekly constests. Here is the website :


UVA is one of the best programming website. Here is the link :

Hacker Rank

Hacker Rank is a great training website. Here is the Hacker Rank website :


SPOJ is another great training website. Here is the link :

Codeforces and Codechef

They have some great problems ! Here's the link to codechef :
And for codeforces :

Project Euler

Last but not the least is Project Euler ! This website is a mathematical and programming website :

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