Brute force
Pseudo-code :for i=2 to i=n-1 i += 1 { if n % i == 0 { print : n is composite break } }
C++ code :
for (int i=2; i<=n-1; ++i){ if (n%i == 0){ cout << n " is composite\n"; break; } }
Optimisation : you might have already seen that n can not be divided by sqrt(n)+1 so in the above for loop you could replace n-1 and put sqrt(n). This algorithm can be inefficient if we have two thousand integers to check.
Sieve of Eratosthenes
This solution consists to take the next number let's say n that has not been marked as true and every number that have n as divisor and have not been marked are marked as true.Pseudo-code for finding prime numbers from 2 to 100000 :
for i=2 to i=100000 i += 1 { if not vu[i] { for j=2*i to j=100000 j += i vu[j]=true; } } // all numbers where vu[i] = false are prime numbersC++ code for finding prime numbers from 2 to 100000 :
for (int i=2; i<100001; ++i){ if (!vu[i]){ for (int j=2*i; j<100001; ++j) vu[j]=true; } } // all numbers where vu[i] = false are prime numbers
Optimisation : In the first loop, we can see that we only need to do the loop to sqrt(100000) or sqrt(n). In this case n=100000. Also it is possible to do this algorithm in O(n).
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